Story time!

Well, after writing my own original stories for so long, I decided to post them on this blog under pages. I’m still exploring the different aspects of this website so things may come slowly to me.

As for what stories I’m going to post up, it will be Dragonnaires 1 and 2, as well as what I can put up of Three Cradles.

To be honest, Three Cradles isn’t ready to be put up so I probably will only put it up after some tweaking…. or maybe a whole lot of tweaking. Main focus for now is Dragonnaires. I’m also planning on putting up some drawings if I can get them done!

Now, these stories were originally meant to be mere writings that I did for a request of some guy who wanted to introduce light-novel styled English stories to Japan. Now, I was enthusiastic about this idea, and went off to write multiple stories, which resulted in me not able to submit a single story in time for the deadline. In the first place, I hate deadlines.

And so I was thinking, rather than let them collect dust in my harddrive, why not upload them? I will upload them to fictionpress soon, after I fix some stuff with the paragraphing and stuff. Transferring texts isn’t that that straight forward, apparently.

As for Dragonnaire… hmm, what can I say about it? It started out as my cursed story, since the original idea that I had for this story (about 15 years ago) constantly sent my laptops into an early grave via harddrive failures. 3 times, if I recall correctly.

Since the first story was meant to be submitted for this Japanese light novel thing, the words used are simpler. For the second story, I was beginning to change the way people talk to become a little bit… fancy? I don’t know how to put it. But the second story is darker with… almost no humour… what? I think the second story needs a little tweaking… or maybe not.

Writing style is, obviously, following the Japanese light-novel style of writing. I actually choose to write this way since it is easier for me, as evident within all of my fanficion writings as well. I had tried writing a story normally, it was a little too odd for me to continue using, so I will stick to this Japanese light-novel style of writing.