Original Character Designs Part 2 Asakura Shion

This is my second character to design, and i spent a little bit more time on her than the main character.

If i had to describe Asakura Shion, it would be she is a quiet and rather irritable girl.

Her design is roughly based off Iwasawa Asami (the lead singer of Girls Dead Monster who disappeared)

I wanted to have a sniper that would hide in the shadows and slowly take out her targets, and so Shion came out as a result.

Name: Asakura Shion  朝倉 シオン/四音

Special Skills: able to take a shot from any angle, ability to stay hidden, extremely good and sharp eyesight, cooks pretty well.


– M1 Garand X 1
– Barrett M107 X 1
– PTRD-41 (Custom, as shown above) X 1
– Beretta 92 X 2

As a sniper, Shion doesn’t use any melee weapons or have any assault rifles. But she is able to handle herself well in close quarters with her twin pistols. When Kou observes Shion in action, Kou is able to copy and snipe almost as well as Shion (which irritates the sniper). Her only medium range weapon is the M1 Garand.

Shion’s kanji name reads as “Four Sounds”, which was slightly odd because she is a sniper who doesn’t talk much.

One thing i noticed after i drew her with her cloak. Her right eye is covered and yet she is right handed, so how does she shoot? Well, brush aside the bangs ta-da! Actually, the reason why her eye was covered was mainly because it adds a sense of mystery and also portrays her as a lone wolf.

But later i decided to throw in another reason why her hair covers her right eye, it is mainly because she is heterochromic eyes. Her left eye is blue, whereas her right eye is blood red. Something that she was ridiculed for when young.

Part of the sniping division of the SSS2, she is under the direct command of the division leader, Ryusei Suou (who is based off the main character of Darker than Black 2. The main girl in that show uses a PTRD anti-tank rifle as her weapon, and her name is Suou. Ryusei means meteor, and is part of the show’s name)


Asakura Shion was born in a poor family, her mixed blood mother ran away from home to elope with her father. Although they were poor, they were a happy family. Because of this, Shion is well versed in cleaning, cooking and other household things.

However due to her family and her eyes, she was often bullied in school. Even the teachers acted coldly to her. The only thing she had to keep her company were books and so she became detached from others, even her own family. It was also because she distanced herself from others, that she gained the ability to observe even the smallest detail about anything she looks at.

One day, her mother fell ill and her father went to her mother’s house to beg them to lend him money to save her, but her mother’s parents refused to help, stating that she ran away on her will. Her mother passed away shortly after and her father fell into depression, dying a few weeks a later in an accident. Left all alone, Shion was left in the care of her mother’s family, who treated her like dirt.She wasn’t given a proper room, instead forced to live in a tool shed outside the main house.

Not given proper care, Shion succumbed to illness.


Shion hates to interact with others, and would go to great lengths to avoid crowds. She has a large amount of distrust for other people, only trusting herself and a small number of people.

Shion is unable to accept herself. She curses the life she was given, unable to forgive her parents for giving her this life. But perhaps the most important person she couldn’t forgive would be herself for being unable to understand her own family, and her own life.

Phrases she says in the sketch from top to bottom:

– …. If you’re going to get in my way…. i’ll kill you too.

– ….. annoying.

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