Dragonnaires 1 Finished!

And finally! I finished the first part of my Dragonnaire series of stories! It has been a long and tiring journey…. (CLICK HERE TO READ)

Since it started out as a short story meant for people who could not read english all that well, and subsequently changed into a longer story with more rubbish shoved in it, it became a whole mess that even I cannot see if everything is correct or not.


Everything in the second story onwards will be made proper, so the first story is like… a brief introduction into the World of the story, I guess?

My Dragonnaire stories are becoming more and more like a love letter to all of the games, movies, light novels and anime I watched. It is crammed with so many links to the stuff I read and watched that it is losing its own originality. I guess that makes it original then?

Well, now that it is finished, I will be posting the whole story on some other website (probably fiction press)… and then continue with the second part of the Dragonnaire story.

I already have basic plots down for the third part, and some ideas brewing for the fourth. The original ideas for the fourth have been pushed back to probably the fifth or sixth.

I was also thinking of doing some rough illustrations, but I’m too lazy to do that right now. Sigh, my very first original story to actually finish… Not really finish, but at least it is finished… technically.