Original Character Designs Part 3 Takamachi Yukari

This is the third character i designed.

This is a character that i didn’t spend much time on planning, but spent a heck lot of time drawing and re-drawing. The more times i re-draw, the messier it becomes.

I actually wanted to draw Kanade, with a hint of Yuri into the mix, but with my drawing skills, it didn’t turn out too well.

Name: Takamachi Yukari 高町 ゆかり

Special Skills: NYP (なんだか、よくわからん、パーワ/ Not to sure, Not able to to comprehend, Power), mood maker


– M4 Carbine (it is smaller in barrel length than the M16) X 1
– STI Eagle Custom X 1
– Desert Eagle 5.0 X 1

Combat Knife X 1
– Nails X 20
– Giant Cleaver X 1

When i was reading another manga, i saw a character using a giant cleaver as a weapon. Now the concept of a giant cleaver isn’t original, being used in a lot of other manga and anime. But then reading that manga just as i was designing my characters got me thinking. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

The nails were something that came as a by-product of my bad drawing skills. I wanted to put multiple knife in her thigh belt, but they looked more like nails, so i stuck with them. She can put the nails in-between her fingers and punch someone with them. If you add her crazy strength, that would be one painful attack. She can also throw the nails like throwing knives. Guess it seems more interesting to throw nails.

She uses the STI Eagle Custom as her back-up pistol, saying that it doesn’t have that much of an impact, although her fitter says it is better for her to use something that uses less power as her back-up weapon to elevate the stress on her muscles from overusing her other weapons.

Her main firearm is actually the Desert Eagle, not her M4 carbine. Her favourite method of execution is using nails to pin the enemy on the ground or against a wall, stabbing them with her cleaver and ending it with a shot to the head with her Desert Eagle. The only times when she uses her carbine is when going up close is not possible.

She rolls up only her right sleeve and wears a beret. These two, besides her giant cleaver and incredible strength, would be her defining characteristics.

The name Takamachi Yukari is actually a homage to the seiyuu Tamura Yukari and her most popular character, Takamachi Nanoha. Why did i use them? Well, actually it was because of something i remembered while reading doujins related to the Nanoha franchise. People always portrays Nanoha as a power crazed magical girl, and so Takamachi Yukari is the epitome of that power.

Yukari isn’t large in size, rather she is the same size as Kurogane, but because she uses such a large weapon, people often describe her as a bear, something really irks her.

She is the mood-maker of the group, and acts like an older sister despite being around the same age as the rest.

Although she acts like an older sister, she is rather random, impulsive and likes to work at her own pace, therefore not being that reliable. But when push comes to shove, she can be counted on.


Takamachi Yukari was born as the second eldest in a family of seven kids. Her parents often worked overseas, leaving it up to her and her older brother to take care of the house and the rest of the kids. As such she became accustomed to handling small children. She comes from a relatively rich family, and her house is often filled with random things her parents picked up on their trips.

It all ended suddenly when Yukari was running back late from school one day, when an Earthquake hit. A large quake occurred without warning and Yukari did all she could to find shelter. But once it was all over, she found her house in ruins. Five of her siblings dead, unable to escape from the house when it collapsed. Yukari fell into depression, feeling as though she failed her family and her siblings.

Things took for a worse when her parents died in a plane crash. She and her remaining siblings were split apart and adopted by different relatives. Yukari herself was taken in by her kind uncle (who trained her in various martial arts), brother to her mother, and lived quite comfortably. But she soon heard about how her younger sister was being mistreated over at another relative’s house. Not heeding the warnings of her uncle, she rushed off to save her younger sister. The relative in question was an alcoholic criminal, who abused Yukari’s sister and even raped her. Yukari tried to rescue her sister, but she too was knocked out. Raped and beaten, Yukari was broken in mind and spirit until the police came. Not wanting to be arrested and sent to jail, the mad man set the house on fire, with Yukari and her sister still bound and inside. Yukari did her best to protect her sister, and soon died without knowing what happened to her sister.


All in all, Yukari has a bright personality, but life hasn’t all that fair to her. The cleaver is a symbol for her determination to use brute strength to solve everything. She doesn’t like complicated things, and likes to take the straight forward approach to things.

She is a frontline attacker (contrary to her namesake, who is a long range atomic bomb), and is even able to destroy walls if she wants to. She has a weakness for small kids.

The phrases she is saying in the sketch from left to right:

– When the time comes, leave it to me.

-It’ll work out somehow

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