Original Character Designs Part 7 Goudatera Takako

Okay, this character isn’t mine. This is actually my sister’s character. I asked her about putting her own character in and she happily supplied one, albeit one who is a little ‘off’.

So these two pictures are drawn by my sis. You can definitely see the difference in skills =_=” She took classes and actually started drawing way damn earlier than i did. I was lazy, and in fact still am.

Anyway my sister’s character is quite a… character.

Name: 郷田寺 高子/ Goudatera Takako

Special Skills: Mechanic’s eye (able to gain full understanding of objects with just a glance)
Useless Skills (requested by my sister):
-Consistently Knit Odd number of gloves
-Recite Pi backwards (not even possible)
-Win at Janken (rock, paper, scissors) 97% of the time
-Inhales (eats) her food really fast
-Able to produce deafening hiccups
-Carve garden gnomes out of chalk
-Able to recreate anything she draws into an exact duplicate in reality (but her drawing is so terrible her objects always look like giant blocks of wood, or just messed up scribbles)
-Able to walk into every glass wall
-Able to drown in 1 cm of water (can’t swim to that point?)

Supposedly True skill: Able to make a rocket launcher out of toilet paper (awesome, but pointless)


-M240 machine gun
-Mossberg 500
-Flare-gun (she doesn’t use a sidearm, but a flare-gun. Don’t ask me)

Special items:

-DAR 487 (Demonically Awesome Robot, again, don’t ask me)
-Golden Chopper bike (my sis wanted another type of bike, but then i told her that only choppers would look nice in gold)
-Chain Link (a chain of iron links that can wrap around and attach to any object and can be used to swing that object around.

Height: Short. Think 150cm.

As you can see, she looks like a dragon ball shounen manga character, even though it’s a she. She wears a guy’s blazer (since she’s quite a boyish character). Her robot looks like the Honda Robot (i think it’s called the ASIMO?), so i was planning to change it into a more gundam type robot, mainly because it would be funnier that way. I mean, sure the ASIMO look is funny, but really, in anime you prefer to have other anime references than actual real life references. It is funnier.

Takako works for Guild, given her abilities.

She hates her name (which means “tall child”) and hates it when someone calls her ‘short’. She has a really short fuse.

Since she hates her name so much, she would lie about her name, giving the name of the nearest object that is around when asked about her name. Eg. if there’s her golden bike nearby, she would say her name is “Gouruden Baiku (号流伝 倍区)” the kanji makes no sense btw.

Her idiosyncratic expression is “Nyah”

She likes Yakisoba (my sister said Mee Goreng, which is a South East Asian dish, mainly Singapore and Malaysia, and a Yakisoba is a very rough equivalent… Japanese kids don’t know what the hell Mee Goreng is anyway)


She has Bradyarrhythmia, which is slow irregular heart beat (my sis is studying medicine, so she just tosses terms i’m not even sure exists)

Supposedly, in my sister’s version, she got bored to death.

If i wrote her past? Well, i can’t think of anything besides being confined to a hospital all of her life because of her disability. She was envious of the life she should be having and was unable to pass on due to that. In this case, she is very much like Yui, only that Yui was hit in an accident. For Takako, she was born with the disorder.


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