Chapter 11

It had been decided that the Freemen shall helm the main assault on the horde within their caves. To attack them before they can fully gather and strike them down quickly. The harpies were also tasked to the Freemen, though there were local militia of Avarian guardsmen who came to offer their assistance as well. But as the number of Freemen was not as numerous as they had hoped, the Dragonnaires, together with the Golden Knights, were tasked with taking on the entire Eastern region of Goblins.

With the city of Leoux as a centre point, the goblin tribes were spotted in the Easterly parts, with hills and mountain ranges, in the Western region where dense forests grows flush with rivers and lakes, and finally the Northern region with a large open plain dotted by cave growths across it. Deryke did not know just how many goblins were in the Eastern regions, but initial reports had placed about four tribes of goblins converging towards the North, where the final cave was predicted to be at.

Lilianne had voiced her opinion that the Dragonnaires and Golden Knights should split up in order to divide the concentrated strength of this group. Dragonnaires, at the very least Lilianne, held a strength and power that could be equal to an entire legion of warriors. Golden Knights were not weak either, being better trained and equipped than a normal Freemen. However, according to Steinkrau, the Eastern region was also home to many hostile animals, as well as monsters. Monsters was a derogatory term given to animals and creatures that stood at the pinnacle of strength within the wild, and yet not having the same instincts that other animals and creatures hold. Primarily that of compassion or packs.

In other words, monsters were solitary creatures that attacked, killed and fed on any other creature it saw, including other monsters of its own kind. They did not breed, rather simply appear. They have no remorse and are difficult to put down. The Eastern region has also spawned rumours of a being that has ended the life of many, with no witnesses ever making it back to speak of what assaulted them. It was no monster, nor animal, for the wounds of the victims were obviously done by a weapon made by people. To make matters worse, whatever, or more likely whoever, is responsible, is skilled enough to kill some of the Guild’s best adventurers.

With such an unknown, there was no possible way for the Freemen to attack the goblin tribes there without worrying about monsters and this mysterious being. Thus the Dragonnaires and Golden Knights were tasked to tackle the Eastern region together. Some may question, Deryke in particular, as to why isn’t the military force of the city taking any action, and the answer was simply ‘civil war’. Due to the impending war, the nobles who own the various cities of the Kingdom have begun to stock pile their assets and military forces.

Even now, the army of the Earl that runs this city is preparing for war, buying up large amounts of food, weaponry and beasts of burden. Higher status nobles would also barge into the lower ranked nobles to buy additional resources, thus the army of the city was not able to do anything. To the nobles of the Kingdom, dealing with a civil war was far more important than a goblin horde, which the Freemen could deal with. It was especially logical for them to leave it be, hearing rumours of the Golden Order and the Dragonnaire Order stepping in to deal with the problem. The Dragonnaire Order had their own reasons for doing so, as Lilianne had explained thus far, and the Golden Order, or at the very least the three that followed the Dragonnaires, it was a job that they were tasked with.

It was at this point in time, when Lilianne and the Golden Knights were ready to leave for the Eastern regions, that Bouxen came back with the timely news of having sorted out their transports. Deryke wanted to question why could they not used the scales, though that would leave the Golden Knights on foot, however Lilianne had explained to him that flying gives away their position to the goblins immediately, and all aerial units were tasked to tackle the harpies, thus having flying mounts carry them to their destination would alert all enemies to their presence, and possibly go into hiding. While the city was now in open war with the horde, the horde had yet to realise that their movements were already being tracked by the Freemen and the city of Leoux. One could say that it was, for now, a one sided war.

The mounts that Bouxen had prepared were horses, oddly enough, for Deryke had believed Ostra birds were the main animals used as ground transportation in Hexarash. Ostra birds were large birds of various colours, but the distinctive feature was them having large, long powerful legs that could run at full speed, faster than horses, and could glide for short distances using their large wings. Ostra bird could not fly due to their overall size in relation to their wing span, but it was enough to allow them to glide down from certain heights. Velan raptors, on the other hand, were useful for handling mountainous terrains, given how they could use their front claws in conjunction with their powerful hind legs to climb steep surfaces.

Either one of those would be better for this current task than a horse. Horses were considered the most practical mount for the Kingdoms to use for their armies, given how horses can pull heavy loads, put on armour, and were easier to train for war than the other two. But Deryke still did not think it was a good idea.

“No other mount, see? Did best this tiny one could, yes.”

Bouxen could only bow apologetically constantly, making Deryke feel rather uncomfortable by the constant prostrating done by this goblin.

“I agree with your assessment, Verias, that an Ostra bird is perhaps best for this task at hand, but we have little choice in this matter. Thus we shall make do.”

Lilianne said, walking over to one of the horses, strapping her bags and gear onto the saddle of the horse.

“It would seem that the Ostra birds and Velon raptors have been taken by some viscount. Possibly to add to his war potential in the upcoming civil war.”

Lilianne paused for a moment, turning to look at the Golden Knights.

“… Pray tell, is your Order capable of preventing this civil war from destroying this Kingdom?”

She asked the Golden Knights, which, to no one’s surprise, irked Ales.

“And what makes you question the capabilities of our Order? We can, and will ensure peace and order within this Kingdom!”

Ales said back, making Vexer=iriloux rather anxious at how this stand-off will end up, though Deryke would likely place his bet on the two arguing.

“That does little to answer my question, though from that answer I can suppose that your Order lacks the proper foresight into what must be done.”

“You have NO RIGHT to insult our Chivalric Order! We stand for justice! We will protect the weak and ensure this Kingdom endures!”

Ales snapped before she could be stopped. Lilianne narrowed her eyes at the Golden Knight.

“And the weak and innocent are not enough to rule a Kingdom.”

“The Kingdom is made of its people! Without them, there is no Kingdom!”

“And idealistic statement, from one who understands little and yet speaks volumes more than one who knows more.”

Ales wanted to say more, with her hand even reaching for her sword. But Vexer=iriloux stopped her once again.

“Okavarex, remember your place.”

The Koredin stressed, and while Ales clearly sought to regain the honour of her Order from Lilianne, she obliged to the Koredin’s orders. Vexer=iriloux sighed a relief, though also from the sheer stress he was having from dealing with the hot-headed knight.

“I apologise for Okavarex’s behaviour, Grand Winged one.”

Lilianne shook her head to Vexer=iriloux’s apology.

“It is not your fault, and thus you have no need to apologise. The deed was done by another, and thus it should be her who should shoulder the weight. But I will accept my own share as well, for escalating the argument to such a state.”

Lilianne simply stated, allowing Vexer=iriloux some repreave as the tension in his face loosened.

“I thank you, Grand Winged one.”

As Vexer=iriloux dragged Ales away, Alsces crossed his arms as he turned to Lilianne.

“… You said before that seeing your reflection can make you realise the truth. Does that refer to that Golden Knight?”

Alsces asked, earning a rather irate look from Lilianne, as she strapped more bags onto the saddle of her horse.

“And you must point out the most blatant of facts, Kyros. Do you require me to confirm your suspicions? Or would you prefer that I talk in greater lengths of my past?”

“Preferably the latter.”

“You will get neither from my lips.”

“And as I suspected as much.”

Alsces sighed, turning to his own horse and climbing up onto it.

“Perhaps, in time, you may speak it freely.”

The red Dragonnaire smirked. Lilianne sighed as she too climbed onto her horse.

“Such a day will not come to pass, Kyros. Do not assume life to imitate the ballads and tales spoken to the young.”

Lilianne said, urging her horse forward in a trot. Deryke climbed onto his own horse and followed Lilianne’s lead, as did Alsces, with the three Golden knights following some distance behind.

“Ah, but does the tales and songs not follow life? Do you not think so, Deryke?”

“Please do not drag me into this.”

Deryke muttered, not particularly caring about the entire situation, to be honest.

“How quaint. I did not think you the one to not care.”

Alsces admitted, to which Deryke shook his head.

“Alsces, you do realise what we are about to face, don’t you?”


“The possibility of Dark ones manipulating the wild ones. This may mean that we may come across a Dark one. And yet you are poking your nose into the matters of others like some gossiping wench in the bar.”

Alsces was stunned by Deryke’s reply for a moment, eyes wide in disbelief.

“… Deryke.”

He called out.

“What is it?”

“… I did not realise you held such a mouth.”


“To insult me as such… at least call me a gossiping lady of the night!”

“Isn’t that worse?!”

But Alsces shook his head, wagging his finger in the air like some over confident instructor denying the word of his students.

“Non non, my dear Deryke, for a lady of the night can keep your bed warm, whilst a mere serving wench merely leaves your corpse dry after you’ve had enough drinks. But more to the point, I see that you are worried about the goblin horde. Think of it in this manner, friend, a Dark one! It is our duty, nay, the very sole reason for which we exist! We train to fight the Dark ones, and thus we must bravely face forward! Unto dawn!”

“Duty, huh.”

Deryke muttered dryly at the current situation. He turned his gaze to Alsces, the other red Dragonnaire who was so readily available to answer him.

“… Is this what you truly envisioned as duty? Unto dawn, or something?”


“Well, it is not as if I believed any of this was possible in the first place. To be trained as a Dragonnaire, to go through such grueling training, be beaten up by the second of the Red Flight, as well as White Wing herself. To be told of our rich history and of our grand duty. And now? Only to end up in this.”

“Oh shut it, Deryke! Can you not see that now is not the time for such words?!”

Alsces snapped, though Lilianne could only agree with Deryke.

“No, I agree with Verias here. It is indeed questionable as to what you want to believe as duty, Kyros.”

“What do you mean by that?!”

“If one were to consider only fighting Dark ones as our duty, then it can be said that this is not what we are meant to do. However, our duty is more than that. It is to ensure the survival of all Kingdoms.”

“This isn’t what that entails, does it?”

Deryke asked Lilianne, who shrugged.

“I do not know if our actions can amount to such a purpose, but this current scene does not align with our ‘duties’, as Kyros had so put it.”


Alsces shouted at the two. Deryke could only sigh as he looked forward to his own situation.

“Duty, huh… who knew that duty would be fighting monkeys that throw their excrement at us.”

It had only been one day since the group left Leoux city to head towards the Eastern part of the floating island, and Deryke believed that the most problematic thing they would have to deal with was Ales Ve Okavarex blowing up in Lilianne’s face. But this was… to a word, unexpected. While the group had made camp on the outskirts of the Eastern regions near a particular cluster of trees at the base of the hills of the Eastern region, they came to earn the wrath of some rather territorial primates. Yellow furred and having long arms, these monkeys were vicious in their defence of their turf, and thus begun to fling excrement at the group. For the Golden knights, they had taken cover behind the large rectangluar tower shield of Vexer=iriloux, a large piece of metal that was embossed with gold depictions of dragons and griffons. A fierce motif, to be sure, though now that gold was now smeared brown with the feces of monkeys. Ales Ve Okavarex, fuming, tried to retaliate with her sword, but had suffered a direct impact to the face and was now out for the count behind the cover of the shield. As for the Dragonnaires? Alsces and Deryke were forced to take cover behind large boulders, while Lilianne remained standing. Lilianne was a rather special case at the moment, for none of the monkeys dared to fling anything in her general direction, given as to how Lilianne had now taken on her half-transformed state, with her wings folded behind her, her long tail swaying slowly and her horns pointed forward. With the presence of a Dragon, even the monkeys knew better than to attack her. Thus Lilianne remained standing and unscathed. However, despite the monkeys feeling fear from seeing Lilianne’s half dragon state, they still would not relent in their assault. Lilianne turned to look at the Golden Knights, pinned down by feces behind their now defaced golden shield, and then she turned to the two Red Dragonnaires, who were also pinned down behind large boulders. Lilianne could not help but sigh in dismay.
“Is this what Dragonnaires aspire to be? Hiding behind rocks? A Dragonnaire should not fear death, and charge forward.”
Lilianne stated, earning a sharp response from Alsces.
“This is not about life or death! This is about being hit with a pile of excrement in the face by a monkey! In the first place, just what is this massive volume of feces these monkeys are throwing us with?! Is there no end to it?! Were they hoarding up their crap just for a time like this?!”
“A Dragonnaire should never fear death, for our battle is one with death itself. To cower before anything less is shameful.”
“So you say, but how would our Order look if we took on a hail of feces and then went on to fight Dark ones?! We would be the laughing stock of Draagterra!”
Lilianne heard Alsces complaint and shook her head.
“Why should we be bothered by that? We have a duty to maintain, and nothing else should distract us from our duty-”
Lilianne was cut short when a pile of excrement flew right by her face, missing it by a few milimetres. At this point, Deryke could hear something snap. Most likely Lilianne’s patience. For a brief moment, everything was silent for the Dragonnaire, before Lilianne silently drew her sword. For now, Deryke can only silently pray that those monkeys will suffer little before their demise. Though he had to admit, it had been some time since he had seen Lilianne snap like that. She was certainly far more impatient and fierce when he first met her.

It did not take long for Lilianne’s rampage to clear out the attacking monkeys and chase off those that did not suffer her wrath in the initial few moments. And for a moment, Deryke thought that Lilianne would not calm down, though after a good few moments of cutting boulders with her sword, Lilianne Relinton finally calmed down, and the group set off to clear the site in order to finally make camp. It was this point that Lilianne decided to teach Deryke and Alsces more on Dracmag-ir.

“I will speak truthfully, that in terms of Dracmag-ir, I am not as well suited to give instruction, thus I can only show you the basics of what it is.”

Lilianne spoke rather quietly, her glance constantly shifting towards the Golden Knights.

“Dracmag-ir is not meant to be shared beyond the walls of our Order. Even the Dragoons know little of what it is.”

Lilianne admitted.

“Then, should you really instruct us now? When those Knights are this close?”

Deryke asked, making Lilianne scratched her head as she gave a rather complex face.

“I do not know if now is such an opportune time, for we do not know when I can teach it proper. Should we face a Dark one, it may be all you have that can harm it. Dracmag-ir is, after all, a magic that is as ancient as the times of this Draagterra, thus its power against Dark ones is assured.”
“If that is the case, why must our Order keep it to ourselves? Would teaching the Kingdoms not aid us in fighting the Dark ones should the time arise?”

Deryke asked his question.

“And what should occur when the time has not arisen?”

Lilianne asked back, making Deryke a little confused. Lilianne was a little irritated by Deryke’s lack of understanding, looking to Alsces to explain. The other red Dragonnaire shrugged.

“I had asked myself the same question before, though Ryloser had beaten me once when I questioned odd things, thus I have ceased to do so.”

“Cease to do what? Ask stupid questions?”

“Or more to the point of being stupid.”

Deryke muttered, earning a raised eyebrow from Alsces.

“I really find it odd to hear such foul words from your mouth, Deryke.”

“And I find it odd that you are speaking as though you are my mother.”

“All right, enough.”

Lilianne stopped the two, sighing as she thought to herself that dealing with these two would only tire her out. Though Alsces was right in saying that Deryke’s tone and choice of words were getting rather crude. It may be as Deryke had said before, that he was nervous at the prospect of fighting a Dark one and thus he was more on the side of nervous than anything else.

“I will explain it then. Verias, what is happening between the Kingdoms? What is happening to this Kingdom now?”

Deryke did not take long to answer.


Lilianne nodded to his reply.

“War. That is what all Kingdoms shall face eventually. A war between themselves, or like Hexarash, with themselves. Dracmag-ir is a powerful form of magic, a potent magic that shall make the spells of the mages of the Kingdoms pale before its might. Such magic cannot… must not be known to the Kingdoms, lest they bring such power down upon themselves and eradicate the Kingdoms.”

“Would the Kingdoms be that foolish?”

“… Look upon the Kingdoms now and tell me, are they not foolish for waging continuous wars with one another?”

Lilianne asked, making Deryke retract back, seeing her point. The Kingdoms were indeed in constant state of war. Thus it would not be unusual for them to use such powerful magic to eradicate each other.

“Dracmag-ir is ancient magic that calls upon the power of the soul. We, who hold two souls, have an advantage when calling upon this power, increasing its power by two-fold. But to use it, one must understand the difference between this magic, and the magic that is used by mages of this era.”

Lilianne turned to see the Golden Knights move further away to create a defensive perimeter, setting up basic alarms made of sticks and dry leaves, thus leaving the area of earshot. Ales, on the other hand, was still unconscious. Lilianne was a little apprehensive to say more should Ales suddenly wake, but she decided that the risk would be worth it.

“To begin, magic comes from two sources, one being from within the wielder, and the second from without.”

Lilianne placed her left hand on her chest and her right hand outwards.

“There is much petty debate amongst the many mages and scholars of the Kingdoms as to which form is stronger, or more reliable. Magic within calls upon the inner strength and will of the caster, utilising his or her own power to change and bend reality. Magic without can be considering no more complicated than simple channeling. The caster acts as a catalyst, shaping the magic that lingers in the surroundings into what the casters makes it to be. Both require years of learning and training, and both utilises the inner will and energy of the caster to perform. Both require the caster to understand and manipulate nature. To distort it to their own will, though word has been said of how if the surroundings of the caster is not normal to them, such magic would be easily disrupted. Only difference between the two forms is that magic from within focuses solely on the caster’s own will and energy to create magic, and magic without uses the caster’s will to draw in power from around them to mould it. That is far as I can instruct you on magic of this era, but it is all that is necessary for you to understand Dracmag-ir.”

Lilianne explained, placing both of her hands on her chest.

“Dracmag-ir is simply both forms of magic woven into one. We begin with the common ground for both forms of magic, the utilisation of the person’s will and energy. For us Dragonnaires, it differs slightly as we entrust our entire being, our very existence, into this magic. By drawing upon the energies that make our very being, we attract the existing magic and energy around us, mixing and covering the magic of our own, all to form-”

Lilianne held out her right hand, exposing her palm upwards, and from the middle of her palm, a red flame was produced, burning softly in the air. The flame was brilliant in its colour, and yet it was still soft, warm and inviting. Within its centre, a swirl of sorts could be made out, though only slightly. Like the shimmers produced by air bending to heat, but this was within the centre of the fire. A power that Deryke had not seen before, yet knew of it, felt with his very being.


Lilianne then closed her hand, causing the flame to disappear.

“As you can see, this form of magic is pure, powerful, serene, and everything you can make it to be. We are able to distort our surroundings, our realities to our will, even should our surroundings not be normal, thrown into chaos. The price we pay, the embers of our souls. To those who do not hold a strong soul, they will extinguish their own lives by using it. We have the strength and ability to hold onto two souls, and thus the magic we create is rich and long-lasting. Does it eat from our soul? Yes, but our souls shall return to its proper self with rest, as with all things in life.”

Lilianne’s instructions was clear, but didn’t exactly teach them how to use it. Lilianne raised an eyebrow, probably half-expecting the two to be off practising what she had just said.

“… Well?”

The White Dragonnaire looked at them with an incredulous look on her face, to which the two merely looked back at her with similar expressions.


They repeated what they heard from her, though in a far more confused and puzzled manner.

“Are you not going to use it?”

“… Can we?”

Deryke asked, to which Lilianne raised an eyebrow.

“Why not-… No, wait…”

Lilianne paused in her thinking for a moment. Lilianne remembered that Dracmag-ir is a magic that can only be utilised by Dragonnaires through the use of both of the souls they have within them, their own, and the Dragon soul within them. Inversely, this meant that if these two, who have yet to link their souls, attempted this, it could very well eat into their own souls rather than the link that would be created when they have undergone the trial of Dark. For a brief moment, Lilianne realised that she was mistaken. A very large mistake that nearly cost the two Dragonnaires their lives. It may not be that severe even if they tried, but the possibility was still substantial, and thus it would be best not to attempt it in the first place. Lilianne’s face reddened at her realisation of her mistake.

“… Relinton?”

Deryke called her name, making her flinch a little.

“I-it’s nothing. P-perhaps I was too hasty in instructing you two. Your sword arm shall suffice for now.”

Lilianne quickly changed her mind, making the two look to one another in confusion.

“Did you not say Dracmag-ir would serve us best should we find a Dark one?”

Alsces pondered, making Lilianne shake her head in denial.

“I may have said that, but in my haste I had forgotten a few important points behind the ancient magic, and the two of you are unable to utilise it as you are now.”

“Then what shall we do should we meet a Dark one?”

Deryke asked. Lilianne crossed her arms as she thought of it for a brief moment.

“… Run.”

That was her answer.

“… Run?”

“Yes. Run.”

Lilianne repeated her words.

“The two of you, as you stand now, are unable to fight a Dark one, having yet to undergo the trials. Without that link, the fear of death shall rob you of all bravery that you hold, reducing even the bravest of men to quivering children. Thus whence we chance upon a Dark one, flee whilst I hold it back.”

Deryke did not like the sound of that.

“Leave you alone? Relinton, you cannot be serious-”

“But I am.”

Lilianne cut Deryke off mid-sentence, her grey eyes staring hard into his dark red ones. Her eyes conveying her staunch will and conviction to the Order and its principles.

“I am Dragonnaire, and so too will the both of you become. Remember this well, Verias, Kyros, and engrave it in your hearts for when the time comes of your own trials, you will live by these words. We are all that stands before the Dark ones, we are the only ones that can fight the Dark ones on an even field, and even then we are beneath than them. But no matter the odds, no matter what may come of it, though our bones be as shattered as our blood drains from our wounds, never flee, never give any ground. Forward, with sword ever forward, Wings spread out wide and pierce through the Darkness that shall threaten us all. Should our fate grow dim with the setting of the glorious Sun, greet death with a smile within the ocean tides of blood from our enemies.”


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