Chapter 8


“… And what is this suppose to be?”

Alsces Kyros asked, his eyes somewhat widened incredulously, with his arms crossed over his chest.

“I would like to know the answer to that myself.”

Deryke Verias admitted, though to be honest, he did have a slight inkling to the reason behind this. As for whether it was truly the case or not, he did not know. Would it better if he had said he knew of a possible reason? Not entirely, as Deryke also had the self-survival instinct to not say anything more than necessary. Feigning ignorance, in this case, was a far better choice than knowing something.

“I do believe it is a form of punishment, passed down from the Kingdom of Green.”

Deryke offered his own idea, stemmed from one of the many books he received from Shivylie. While Deryke still had some trouble reading, he was beginning to make some head-way and was rather surprised at his own diligence in reading. There were still many things he had yet to understand, yet the feeling of starting to understand more words, and to be able to read and absorb more knowledge than before was exhilarating. It was not as though Deryke was now a bookworm, but to traverse the unknown, be it in the physical World or in the literary one, that was what it felt like. However, going back to what Deryke and Alsces were talking about, the scene before them was somewhat of a peculiar nature, and indeed it could be said to be one that is unusual if one were accustomed to the daily routine of this place. Kneeling with both of her legs, the White Dragonnaire who plagued Deryke with her verbal insults was on the grass before them, her face planted into the ground with her hands folded before her head in a sort of pleading manner. It was already an awkward scene to begin with, but to have it in the middle of one of the busiest training grounds within Dracoravine was on a whole other level. The whispers and murmurs of the gossiping Dragonnaires who were on the field did little to satiate his nerves from embarrassment. Though he was not the one on the floor, because this White Dragonnaire was bowing to him, it was rather embarrassing to him as well.

“It is fine to know what this is… but the question I am asking, is ‘why’ this is here and happening now.”

Alsces turned to Deryke for answers, but the young red had none, evident by his shrug.

“Maybe it is some sort of harassment?”

“Then that must be some twisted, high-level form of harassment, to put yourself in such a painful-looking pose.”

Alsces muttered, turning back to the White Dragonnaire who had yet to budge from her position.

“… Well, let us ask the person in question. You there, for what reason do you have to place yourself in this situation?”

The White Dragonnaire did not move, her face still pressed against the ground.

“Do you think she is asleep?”

Deryke wondered, though Alsces noted the way the body stayed in its position was not suitable for sleeping. Rather, this position was probably made in such a way that it would render the person unable to sleep.

“Should we just leave her be?”

Alsces suggested, and while Deryke would love nothing more to do that, he felt as though what this Dragonnaire was forced to do, was also partly his fault.

“… I think we should leave.”

Deryke decided out of the blue. Perhaps not, as his instincts were telling him of the tremendous likelihood of this situation turning rather horrible.

“I humbly beg for the young Red’s forgiveness!”

The White Dragonnaire suddenly shouted, surprising all on the field. She was still and quiet throughout the entire time, and now she suddenly starts shouting?

“Forgiveness? Verias, did you do something?”

Alsces turned to Deryke with an accusative look upon his face.

“… Not that I know of.”

Deryke had to admit, he wasn’t sure if it was something he did, or something he did not do. But the one who probably made her do this, would be-

“I suppose that the White Wing made you do this.”

The White Dragonnaire said nothing, but the way her body froze for a moment was all the confirmation he needed.

“The White Wing?”

Alsces turned to him with even more confusion in his eyes.

“It is a story that may be too long to be told now… Though thinking of it now, I hope I do not have to face the entire White Flight performing this to me.”

Deryke shuddered to imagine such a thought. If the White Wing really did go lecture her entire flight, then… would this White Dragonnaire be the first of many?

“The young Red need to worry, for it is only I who had been reproached by Lady White Wing. Thus no other has need to beg for the young Red’s forgiveness.”

The White Dragonnaire said, though her face was still planted into the ground. Her voice being a mix of anger, irritation, frustration, and also… fear. Deryke supposed that the White Wing’s ‘lecture’ and instilled such an intense fear into the White Dragonnaire, that she was forcing herself to apologise in this over-the-top manner to him despite her own dislike of him. Just what exactly did White Wing’s ‘lecturing’ consist of?

“And so, I beg once more, for the young Red’s forgiveness.”

The White Dragonnaire repeated herself. Deryke turned to Alsces, who shrugged.

“It is not I, whom she seeks forgiveness from.”

“But is it really all right? I do not know for what exactly she seeks forgiveness for. And for one of another Flight to perform such an act towards another…”

“There are little laws within our Order that specifies what we should do in such case… rather, this is the first time I’ve heard of such an incident occurring.”

The senior Red Dragonnaire admitted. Deryke sighed, not knowing who to turn to for answers for this dilemma of his.

“For now, can you please raise your head?”

Deryke asked, but the White Dragonnaire stubbornly refused to budge.

“I do not dare to face the young Red until forgiveness has been received.”

Was her only reply. This was getting out of hand and this level of stubbornness was certainly unheard of.

“All right, all right! I forgive your transgressions! So I plead, raise your head and let us talk.”

Deryke said with some urgency, and the White Dragonnaire finally raised her head. Upon looking at her closer, Deryke believed that her age to be much closer to his than expected. When they met the two previous times, her attitude had made her appear older and stricter than now. Her features may not match up to the White Wing, but certainly she was not one to be far behind. As with those who hail from the Kingdom of White, her snow white hair travelling down slightly past her shoulders, and her silverish grey eyes made her look more like a doll crafted by a skilled artisan, than an actual person.

“As the young Red so says.”

The White Dragonnaire said, her tone still having that lingering hint of annoyance aimed towards him, and also holding onto that slight tinge of fear. But now there was something else that Deryke noted. She still hasn’t gotten up.

“… And so I have accepted your apology. What cause do you have to linger here? And in this position?”

He asked, to which the White Dragonnaire’s body twitched slightly, as though she were a small animal that just caught wind of a predator nearby.

“…… I… I seek to make amends with the young Red.”

“And have I not said as such?”

“… It… It would require more of me, than to merely hear of your acceptance of my apology.”

“Did Lady White Wing tell you to do this?”

The White Dragonnaire bit her lip. So it was the White Wing’s idea after all.

“D-do not misunderstand, young Red, for it may be of Lady White Wing’s word that I seek your forgiveness, but beyond that, this is of my own choosing.”

She quickly blurted out. Was it to save the honour of the White Wing? Or something else?

“Ah, so rather this is merely her own personality, though I do suspect it is a trait shared by many from the Kingdom of White… this stubbornness will only prove to be difficult to deal with later on.”

Alsces pointed out, though he was thoroughly ignored by the White Dragonnaire. Deryke sighed as he turned to the White Dragonnaire whilst scratching the back of his head.

“And so? How do you wish to make amends?”

He questioned, and the White Dragonnaire nodded, satisfied that Deryke had accepted her offer, or rather he was left with no other choice than to do so. The White Dragonnaire seemed a little apprehensive with her answer, her eyes looking around, as though she had not yet thought of an answer herself. Perhaps she really hasn’t thought of how she would make amends. Until her eyes fell upon the practice swords that were in the hands of both Deryke and Alsces.

“I-If the young Red would permit, I can instruct you on how to better your fighting.”

The White Dragonnaire said, though Deryke immediately sought to reject it. After all, he was instructed by Bryjon, and had practice sessions with Alsces. To have another training session with another Dragonnaire? That seemed highly unnecessary.

“I do not think it necessary for-”

Before Deryke could finish, however, Alsces immediately capped his mouth shut with his hand.

“What this young man is trying to say, is that he wishes to know in what sort of areas can you instruct on his fighting? He is, after all, receiving instructions from Bryjon Fiera, the second of the Red Wing himself.”

Alsces said with a slight smile. The White Dragonnaire did not appreciate Alsces butting into the conversation, but saw his point as she nodded in understanding.

“I will agree that Master Bryjon is certainly a strong fighter, and to receive his instructions would be highly valuable, far more so than mine…. I will assume as well… that this young Red trains with yourself as well?”

The White Dragonnaire finally acknowledges Alsces, who smiled broadly and nodded in affirmation.

“Indeed, that I have done. I am Alsces Kyros of Fiera’s name.”

The White Dragonnaire raised an eyebrow at his introduction. As Deryke thought, it was an odd one.

“‘Fiera’s name’? … Ah, I see. So you are the twelfth born of the Red Wing. Hmph, for you to cling onto the Drane name of your father. Only three of his fifteen born hold his Drane name, so I suppose it is of envy that you cling onto?”

“To call it envy is to belittle my feelings. Though not wrong, I would wager to say that what I seek is something else.”

Alsces answered coyly. The White Dragonnaire narrowed her eyes dangerously at him, the two staring hard at each other like wild animals sizing up their opponents to see if the other would back down with enough intimidation and time. The tension between them was high and suffocating for Deryke, who still had his mouth capped by Alsces’ hand. But finally, the White Dragonnaire relented.

“So it would seem.”

Was all she said to him, before turning to Deryke.

“I will train with the two of you. I do not believe myself proper to give instructions when you are already receiving some from the second of the Red Flight. However, I shall accompany your practices with Master Kyros, and will aid in your training as well. My name, is Lilianne Relinton of the White Flight. I shall be in your care, Master Verias.”

The passing of the days for Deryke Verias within the confines of Dracoravine was not slow, by any means, as his days were lined up with training and lessons, each increasing in its complexity and application. Shivylie Silvastern would teach him on history, language, and a slight dose of politics and philosophy, when she forgot she was not suppose to go on about those. Bryjon Fiera, the second of the Red Flight, would given him basic lessons and training on how to fight, how to use various weapons, how to survive on his own. If Deryke had to describe how the training felt, it was not at all what he expected of it all. Certainly, he did not expect to be trained like a Knight, being treated like a noble and all, but what he was being taught to be, seemed to line up far closer to being a mercenary, or an adventurer.

“I suppose it its true that the training we have is much more aligned to that of the Freemen adventurers or mercenaries.”

Lilianne Relinton, the White Dragonnaire who was previously rather antagonistic towards Deryke, explained as she leaned against her spear, which was stabbed into the ground for support.

“We cannot use the methods of the Kingdoms, for we rarely fight as a group, let alone an army. Thus we seek the lessons learned by those who fight on their own, or within the confines of a small group. I do believe Lady White Wing had also taught you that we came from Freemen ourselves.”

Certainly Shivylie did state the history of the Order as such. And perhaps Deryke did see the merit of continuing to train in such methods. But it somehow gave him the impression of the Order being… rowdy.

“Each and every one of us has to learn to survive on our own, and to fight as individuals. When we become Dragons ourselves, we are unable to employ group tactics like armies do. Yet we may learn from their aerial knights of the ways of war, but do not put much trust in that, for we train to fight the Dark ones, not other living beings of this World.”

And that was the reasoning that was probably understood amongst the Dragonnaire Order. Lilianne was a strict instructor, though it was obvious that she was good at correcting Deryke’s mistakes.

“Your legs are weak to support your stance. The Red flight’s second had you trained by cleaning the castle, did he not? That was meant to strengthen not only your body, but mind as well. It also serves to get your body used to the strains of becoming a Dragon.”

Was what she had explained, though he did not want to say anything in retort. Cleaning the castle was to strengthen his mind? In what way? In the way that he would get to know each and every crack? Or to be tolerant if the stones refused to be cleaned? That was not the way he would like to strengthen his mind.

“Widen your legs, thus gaining a firmer grip on your stance. But do not rely on it solely, for a simple trip is all it takes for you to lose your balance.”

“Truth, though it may sound contradictory.”

Alsces butted in. Alsces Kyros was taught alone by a single teacher, much like Deryke, and thus Alsces was able to break down what Lilianne had said during their practices. Lilianne showed some disdain for the more senior Dragonnaire, but it was clear that his presence helped Deryke learn faster. Lilianne’s training guidance served to help Deryke understand what Bryjon had taught him, whilst Alsces aided in further understanding what was needed to be understood. It must be remembered that Deryke was not born into the life of a fighter, a warrior. Deryke was an orphan, raised in a bar by a Drac who taught him little in the ways of fighting. Alsces understood Deryke’s predicament well, though why he understood it was not really known, and thus Alsces’ explanations and advice came as an invaluable aid to him. Though Alsces would appear to be distracted quite often, or get easily influenced by his mood. As so Deryke continued on, passing the days with such a routine of training and learning. He did not know what else to do, and thus simply took it all in. But there was one thing that did bother him.

“Becoming a Dragon? Well, certainly that is the mark of the Dragonnaire.”

Alsces answered Deryke’s query one day as they were practicing. The more senior Red Dragonnaire took a swing of water from his waterbag, before passing it to Deryke, who accepted it and took a swing as well.

“The transformation into a Dragon, the very bonding of the Souls, is something that only those who are ready are able to face.”

Lilianne added.

“Some call it ‘entering the Dark’, though I have no idea what it means, as I have yet to undergo my own ceremony.”

Alsces admitted, earning a rather surprised look from Deryke… and Lilianne.

“… Did I say something off?”

Alsces pondered upon looking at the other two’s reaction.

“I can understand Deryke’s reaction, but Relinton as well? If I recall, those who undergo the ‘Dark’ would be able to tell apart those who have and those who haven’t.”

Alsces seemed rather confused by Lilianne’s reaction, thus he said that. Lilianne was a little taken aback by his words, but cleared her throat.

“It is true that those who have undergone the ceremony would be able to tell, but it is not due to some ‘special’ connection we hold. If I have to put it in simple terms… it is because you ‘act’ as though you have done so.”

Lilianne admitted, though her voice was slightly hesitant.

“… Huh?”

Both Alsces and Deryke now looked to Lilianne with an incredulous look on their faces. Lilianne crossed her arms and sighed, shaking her head in dismay.

“Simply going through the ‘Dark’ is not going to change people. Rather, it is because we go through it that we understand our own selves, and thus we ‘change’. What each of us experience in the ‘Dark’ differs from one another, and thus not everyone would face the same challenges, and not everyone will become the same. Just as our own souls differ from one another, so too does the Dragon’s soul within each of us differ from the other. I cannot say what you will experience within your Dark, only that you will face the Dragon’s soul within you, and you will have to overcome its challenge.”


“What the challenge is will differ as well. Some had it easy, with merely meeting with the soul of the Dragon within them. Others were tasked with tests of strength, wits, and some were not given any audience with their Dragon soul. It is all up to the whim of the soul within, though the Dragons within us understand the need for us to gain their power, and they are aligned with our wills to fight the Darkness. Thus, not having an audience with their Dragon soul is rare, and often means the Dragon deems the Dragonnaire not yet ready to face the trials.”

Lilianne explained, though to Deryke it did not really do much explanation at all.

“I find it odd, however, that Kyros has yet to undergo the Dark.”

Lilianne turned to Alsces who shrugged.

“My father has yet to approve of my growth, it would seem. I suppose in his eyes, I am but a child who has yet to earn his right.”

“And yet the fifth daughter, a child younger than yourself, has undergone the trial already?”

Lilianne’s words hit a nerve as Alsces’s grip on his sword tightened greatly.

“… I suppose it must be my fate.”

Alsces’ care-free tone was now tensed with anger. Deryke did not know if this anger was aimed towards Lilianne, or towards Alsces’ own sister. Lilianne’s expression did not change, but it did not seem that she was aiming to irritate Alsces anymore than she has already.

“If that is what you make of it.”

Lilianne turned back to Deryke as she raised a hand towards him.

“Once you have completed the trial, you shall be bestowed with the power of the Dragons.”

Upon saying that, Lilianne’s hand transformed almost immediately to that of a Dragon. White scales lined her arm as her fingers grew slightly longer and nails turning into claws. The transformation was so quick and sudden, that Deryke was caught off guard. He had seen Shivylie perform a half transformation, as did the Green Wing, but it was still a surprising thing for him to see and accept.

“A Dragon is a being that is filled with confidence in their deeds, pride in their words, and strength in their conviction. Such traits become ingrained within us once we have completed the trials of our own Dark.”

Lilianne explained, turning her arm around as she looked upon her own scales with some hint of sadness in her eyes.

“When one is faced with the Darkness, one will understand… and it will therefore reflect in their character. Thus, I had assumed that Kyros had gone through the Dark already.”

Lilianne transformed her arm back, clenching her fingers into a fist to get her feeling back into those fingers.

“… Do… people die from the trials?”

Deryke asked, to which Lilianne closed her eyes for a moment.

“… Yes, there are times when the soul within them would reject its host, and consume them from within. From there, the body would die, its own soul lost. There are other times, when the Dragon soul would control the body forcibly, thus becoming a ‘fallen’ Dragon.”

‘Fallen Dragon’. The term itself felt wrong to Deryke. It made his chest tighten and his blood turn cold. He had heard of that word from time to time, and he understood that it was different from the Vel Wyvernia.

“A ‘fallen dragon’ is a Dragon that has lost its own sanity, or has strayed from the Vestiges. Dragonnaires face this predicament often as our wills are not as strong as the Dragons. And if the Dragons themselves can be swayed into becoming ‘fallen’, then it is far worse for us, who still hold onto our human souls. Unlike the Vel Wyvernia, who have lost all sense of life, the ‘fallen’ are still as intelligent, strong and deadly as the dragons themselves.”

Deryke had faced a Vel Wryvernia before, and it was an encounter he would never forget. It was as though he was staring straight into the face of death incarnate. Its very presence screamed out death and decay. A creature that was no longer a Dragon, but merely a husk of creature of immense power. From what Lilianne had explained, both were dangerous in their own right. The ‘fallen dragons’ were Dragons who turned hostile towards all other creatures, essentially turning their backs on the Vestiges and roaming like wild beasts whilst still maintaining their intelligence, wit and ferocity. A Vel Wyvernia was a Dragon that had been consumed by the Darkness, turning into a creature that had no intelligence, no regard for any life, be it others or itself, and was the embodiment of death and decay. Vel Wyvernia also have the nasty habit of bringing with them miasma, which can corrode and transform the land into a field of decay. The miasma can also turn weaker living creatures into deformed and corrupted forms of themselves, essentially creating an army of Darklings wherever they go.

“It is not common for Dragonnaires to become ‘fallen’, so you can rest easy in knowing this.”

Lilianne concluded, waving her hand to dismiss the topic.

“Ah yes, Kyros, it would seem that your request has been accepted, though why you wish to go through it is not known to me.”

The White Dragonnaire turned to Kyros, who smiled broadly upon hearing that.

“Leave the why’s and the how’s aside, for I do believe such an endeavour would undoubtedly bring about a great deal of experience for both me and Deryke here.”

Lilianne crossed her arms as she thought of what Alsces had said, before sighing out loud.

“Fine, I do agree with such an assessment, though I do wish you had better plans than what you had already prepared. Your ideas hang upon very thin ‘ifs’.”

“It should not be a large ‘if’ should yourself be present, would it not?”

Alsces smirked, irking Lilianne greatly. It was clear to Deryke that Lilianne held little regard, and patience, for the senior Red, though as for the reason why, he did not know. Was it the White Dragonnaire’s distaste for other flights? Or was it Alsces in particular? Lilianne did not show any clear dislike towards other Dragonnaires of other flights, but then again he had yet to see her interact with them directly. In fact, Deryke noticed that Lilianne did not interact with any other Dragonnaire besides himself and Alsces. But there was something else that was bothering Deryke at the moment.

“What are the two of you talking about?”

He asked. Alsces and Lilianne turned to him, but with two differing expressions. Lilianne’s face was one of puzzlement, whilst Alsces was smiling broadly.

“Did Kyros not tell you?”

Lilianne’s gaze turned from Deryke, to Alsces, and her expression also switched from puzzlement, to frustration. Alsces merely ignored her anger as he addressed Deryke’s query.

“Ha ha, I was about to inform you of it, Deryke, though the thought must have slipped my mind.”

Deryke highly doubted that statement, but said nothing as Alsces continued.

“You see, I have come to realise that for us, who are not trained with others, are lacking one thing.”

Alsces’ tone trailed off slightly with his usual smile. As if he was waiting for Lilianne or Deryke to answer his question or to ask what he meant, but unfortunately neither were saying anything, much to his disappointment. Sighing, he gestured towards another group of recruits who were training in the same training field, and there was something obviously different about their training. Besides the fact that recruits of the Order trained in groups, as opposed to how Alsces and Deryke were trained due to special circumstances, this group on the training field were all with Dragon mounts.

Of all of the flying creatures that the denizens of Draagterra rode on, the Order only rode on Dragons, with the reason as to why the Order never used any other, was due to the bad affinity other flying creatures had with being surrounded by thousands of Dragons, even if said Dragons are Dragonnaires. Dragons, after all, are the top predator. The Dragons that the Order used as transportation or mounts were of the small to medium sized Dragons. Dragons that the Dragonnaires could transform into were of the large variety.

The size of a small Dragon was about the size of two horses, around three and a half Marl in length, whilst a medium Dragon was about the size of two horse drawn carriages, or seven and half Marl, including the horses used to pull them. Dragons having a length of more than three horse drawn carriages, including horses, would be classified as a large Dragon, and large Dragons could be the size of a city. If legends of the Ancients are true, then the Ancients would be the size of mountain ranges, though legend also states that the Drakgonias were able to change their size and shape at will.

It should be obvious at this point, but the Dragons of the Order were not primarily used by the Dragonnaires, but rather by the Dragoons. Dragonnaires who leave the safety of Dracoravine would transform into Dragons and fly out. The only Dragonnaires who could not do that are the trainees and recruits, who have yet to undergo the trial of Dark. Speaking of which, Deryke wondered why people in the Order were so easily switching between calling it a ‘trial’ and a ‘ceremony’. But going back to the Dragon mounts, recruits and trainees would require Dragon mounts should they wish to leave Dracoravine. The only thing is, recruits and trainees weren’t suppose to leave Dracoravine.

“There are times when the Dragonnaire incharge of a group of trainees is unable to proceed with training, either due to other duties, or due to the Dragonnaire’s own inability to teach any further. In such a case, the affirmation of three Wings is gathered to allow the trainees to go outside of Dracoravine and train.”

Alsces explained with a smile. But that sentence did not sit all that well with Deryke, who blanked out a little upon hearing it.

“… You mean… leave?”

Deryke had to ask once more to make sure.

“Certainly, it may prove difficult to do so for people like us, but it is not impossible.”

“I find it difficult to believe that three Wings had agreed to this.”
Lilianne pointed out, which Deryke agreed. Bryale Fiera, Alsces’ father, did not seem too keen on Deryke being trained in the first place, thus having him leave Dracoravine was even more unlikely.

“It is simple. Lord Blue Wing gave his approval, so did Lady Green Wing and Lord Yellow Wing.”

Alsces answered, earning a blank look from Lilianne.

“… I suppose Lady White Wing was not informed?”

“I do not see why she should be.”

“Lady White Wing would never agree to allow the young Red to be-”

“And that is why she was not informed.”

Alsces said flatly, making Lilianne snap a nerve.

“How could Lady White not be informed?! The young Red is also under her charge! She must be informed should anything be-”

“But Deryke is a Red, nonetheless. She could be informed, but the decision for him to leave Dracoravine for training is not hers to say. In addition, it is Lord Yellow Wing’s own request that this be done.”

Lilianne was taken aback by his words. Yellow Wing requested that White Wing not be informed?

“… For what reason does Lord Yellow Wing have to do this?”

Lilianne obviously could not overturn a Wing’s decision. Alsces crossed his arms as he furrowed his brow slightly.

“Well, to be honest, the request to allow us to leave Dracoravine came with a condition… One that perhaps I may have been forced to undertake.”

Alsces did not like the fact that he had to play into Yellow Wing’s scheme, but as the allure of leaving Dracoravine was strong, Alsces was forced to take it. Lilianne sighed, closing her eyes as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, the entire conversation rather taxing on her mind.

“I will not assume that what Lord Yellow Wing had tasked you to do is of a simple matter. And knowing Lord Yellow Wing, it must be of some importance, yet he dismissed it and passed the task down to you, since you had approached him for a favour. Am I thus far correct?”

Lilianne asked, and Alsces’ silence was her answer. The White Dragonnaire sighed once more, this time with a greater and deeper sigh of dismay.

“Of all people to seek favour from… Lord Yellow Wing. Your bravery is commendable, if not for the fact of its desperation and utter lunacy. Now I see that the ‘how’ is indeed not a very likeable case… though the question of your ‘why’ still remains.”

“For experience, of course.”

“Not that… your ‘true why’.”

Lilianne scowled at Alsces, but the Red Dragonnaire merely smiled and shrugged.

“Perhaps you will see it one day, perhaps you may not.”

“… Hmph, your secrets will one day come to haunt you.”

“Well, that is if nothing dares to disturb my secrets, then all should be fine.”

Deryke had no idea what was being discussed, but clearly he wasn’t filled in on it. Lilianne turned to Deryke, her face a mix between exhaustion, and frustration.

“Young Red, it would appear that you will have to face a difficult path ahead of you. For today, I would suggest you rest. By the light of dawn, we shall head out. The gates would be ready for our journey by then.”

Shivylie Silvastern was slightly unnerved by what she had heard, but she did not let it show on her face. To most, it was simply that the air around the White Wing of the Dragonnaire was simply cold. It may come as to a surprise to some, but Dragonnaires who had mastered the Soul within them had the ability to use the ancient magic of the Drakgonias, also known as Dracmag-ir. Wings, in particular, could utilise these magics in a ‘passive’ form. This meant that at times, the magics may manifest themselves without the user actually putting much thought into casting it. And for practitioners of this ancient Magic art, those who can master it completely to that point are rare, even more so if they are young.

In the case of Shivylie, she was made Wing at a rather young age for a Wing. Counting only six full and three seasons of cycles since she had linked with her Soul. Even Hyral, the Brown Wing, became the Wing of the Brown Flight some eighteen cycles after she had linked with her own Soul. It was odd to compare Shivylie and Hyral, however, despite how it may appear. For one, the two Wings held a common past, though that was not known to many. To most, the similarities between the two Wings would be their age appearance-wise. Hyral had linked her soul at the age of ten Autumns, whereas Shivylie had linked when she was only 19 Winters.

To many the two Wings were the closest in age, though if one were to look just a little harder, they might notice that the age difference between Shivylie and Hyral, was exactly the same as Shivylie and Shizuka, though in the other direction. Of course, people would not be so careless as to mention that to Green Wing, though some might argue that Green Wing does not even care about such trivial things, once she has had enough alcohol in her system to block out any sound.

Looking back to Shivylie and her use of Dracmag-ir, it can be said that she is a prodigy with it. Wings may be able to utilise Dracmag-ir beyond that of normal practitioners, but even they had to practice and learn it, albeit at an accelerated rate. However most of the Wings can agree that Shivylie is indeed a prodigy at learning it. Her connection to her Soul was unusually strong, and the rate at which she learned new things was rather baffling. But even with all of her achievements and abilities, one must not forget that she is still young compared to others, and thus her temper is far more wild than the other Wings. Hyral may appear young, but her time as Brown Wing was rather long, thus it would be wise not to discuss Hyral’s actual age.

Shivylie was thus rather emotional, but she did not show it. From young, Shivylie had learned how to hide her emotions, and while it was effective most of the time, to the point of many calling her the ‘ice queen’, she did slip up every now and then. Shivylie was, at this point in time, rather angry. And as proof of her anger, the air around her was being affected by the Dracmag-ir that she unconsciously cast. And the person before her was very much aware of just how much magic Shivylie was using just by looking at the misting of the air around the White Wing. And the person unfortunate enough to be before Shivylie during this time? It was the person who told her the very piece of information that got her into this state of agitation. The person being Lilianne Relinton.

To be completely fair, Lilianne had to approach Shivylie to request leave of absence. Leave of absence? Why, for Deryke and Alsces’ outside adventure. As the Dragonnaire who had sworn to overlook their private training, Lilianne had the obligation to follow them and supervise their time outside the Castle. It was not as if Lilianne wanted to tell Shivylie of this, but she was of the White Flight, and thus had the duty to uphold. Shivylie was also a tutor for Deryke, and therefore it was necessary for her to know what her charge was doing. If it was not for these facts, Lilianne would simply avoid speaking to Shivylie for a good while. But that was not the case, and the previously stated statements were indeed fact. Thus Lilianne was now in this predicament.

“… I cannot change what has been ruled.”

Shivylie finally said, allowing Liliane some repreave. But one cannot discount the fact that Shivylie’s tone was still tensed.

“For that son of Bryale Fiera to be this cunning. I had seen him too little.”

Shivylie seethed, her expression still unchanging. Lilianne felt that Alsces had been close to forfeiting his life with this, but then she had to wonder, why was Shivylie so mad? Was it because she was ignored when seeking approval? That a Dragonnaire she chose of her own volition to train was now going somewhere out of her reach? But this reaction was a little too irrational. Moreso stemming from the fact that this is Shivylie Silvastern, the White Wing, the one whom many say leads by logic and wisdom, than emotion. And now she was reacting with great fury? Something was off, and Lilianne knew it.

But Lilianne dared not to speak up. She feared what sort of fury would be unleashed should she choose to question the White Wing. Lilianne was not the second of the White Flight, nor was she anywhere close to it. She did admire the White Wing for her beauty, grace and strength, but she herself had only linked one cycle ago. In short, it was part of the ‘youth’, if one could call it that, of romanticizing the figure of Shivylie. Shivylie was indeed extremely beautiful, capable of putting most royals to shame, and her grace was intertwined with her intellect and wit.

As a Wing, her strength was not something to sneeze at, and she had often been placed as the strongest Wing in the Order, though not in terms of brute strength. But it is the ‘youth’ of the Dragonnaire who only recently joined the Order, or only recently became linked, that their eyes still have those starry gloss over their eyes when looking at the Wings. Lilianne was now able to see Shivylie when in anger, and it was anything but starry eyed for this Dragonnaire. Lilianne would rather face a Dark one, despite never facing one before. Darklings? Sure. Dark ones? She did not know what it felt like facing one, but it would sure be better than facing Shivylie at that moment.

“You seem troubled, White Wing.”

A rather smug voice called out, making the two turn to face its owner. Walking down the corridor, with his hands behind his head and walking in a leisurely manner, was the Yellow Wing. His blonde hair combed back and his narrow yellow eyes seemingly smiling mischievously at this situation that was unfolding before him. The Yellow Wing was a man who was not unattractive, but it was hard to put him at someone whom all the ladies would rush forward to. He had the appearance of a man in his early thirties, and yet his energetic and mischevious demeanour often made people see his appearance as someone younger.

The Yellow Wing, Riezol Strukaz. Riezol was much of an enigma to Lilianne, who realised at that moment of seeing him that of all the Wings, he was the most forgettable one. People would remember that he exists, but people in general tend to forget that the Yellow Wing was actually around. Despite his lively attitude, Riezol had a small impact on the lives of others. As though Riezol had purposedly secluded his work from others, even those of his own Flight. And yet he was also well known to push his own work unto others.

Lilianne felt some strange contradiction in these facts. They were facts, she clearly knew that, and yet somehow they were opposed to each other. Lilianne suddenly felt extremely alarmed by this revelation. Riezol was an unknown.

“… It would seem one of your Whites is feeling pressured being in the presence of two Wings.”

Riezol noted Lilianne’s unease, and for a fleeting moment, Lilianne swore she saw his expression change into one of pure contempt. But Riezol’s expression was back to this usual mischevious smirk.

“Yellow Wing. You were the one who gave the final approval for this, and for the three of them to aid you in something you could not be bothered to do. What say you of this?”

Shivylie questioned Riezol, seemingly oblivious to that brief change in expression. The Yellow Wing shrugged in answer.

“I am not the only one who gave the approval. Certainly, I gave the final approval, together with condition that they aid me in a little problem. But they could have approached another Wing, could they not? No, the youngling Red… I am certain he is Red Wing’s son, had thought hard about my proposal and accepted it. I do not believe that I am to accept any blame for his decisions.”

“But to drag within the youngling Red that I was training-”

“I did not hear anything about that, as far as I am concerned, Red Wing’s son only approached me for training outside of Dracoravine. I had not heard with whom he would be travelling with and who would supervise their training.”

“That is the most irresponsible thing I have heard come from your lips.”

“Why thank you.”

“That was not a compliment.”

Shivylie did not enjoy speaking with Riezol at all, but since this was the Yellow Wing who approached her, she knew she would not be able to end this conversation unless Riezol wanted to. The Yellow Wing smiled, his narrow eyes rather off-putting in its own creepy manner.

“Well, I wasn’t taking it as a compliment.”

Yellow Wing replied, making Shivylie even more angry than before, but unlike before with Lilianne, Shivylie quickly cooled herself down. Dealing with one of her own was vastly different from dealing with another Wing.

“Explain why is it that the two Reds must go and deal with what you failed to do.”

Shivylie demanded, receiving only a shrug from the Yellow Wing.

“I do not have an answer that could possibly satisfy your anger. What I can say is that the task I gave them is a rather simple one.”

“That land is strife with conflict.”

“And we of the Order are neutral in such conflicts of the Kingdoms. You seem to worry over nothing, White Wing, it will do your complexion no good.”

Yellow Wing joked, but Shivylie was not laughing, rather her eyes were just about the opposite of laughing. At this, Yellow Wing stopped with his jokes and sighed.

“You have little to worry about, I am sure. Dragonnaire Relinton here is to accompany them, if I recall correctly. Surely this would put your mind at ease. Or… is it about that young Red you found that is worrying you?”


Shivylie did not show any reaction to it, but Lilianne could sense that Yellow Wing knew what he was talking about.

“Your preoccupation with the young Red has… raised certain concerns over your credibility as a Wing.”

Shivylie narrowed her eyes slightly upon hearing that.

“… And what, do you mean, by ‘preoccupation’?”

She dared to ask. Yellow Wing smirked as he continued.

“There are some who are claiming that you have gotten too close towards this young Red. He is of the Red Flight, and you are the White Wing. There is that much to see. And ask.”

“The young Red is one that I had brought into the Order. I had vouched for his joining, even against the wishes of the Red Wing himself. As such, I will ensure it to be my duty to see to his training is made proper.”

“You doubt the Red Wing’s choices in training?”

“I doubt his every move concerning the young Red.”

Yellow Wing was a little surprised by her declaration, and Lilianne was taken aback as well. The White Wing was known to be on disagreeing terms with the Red Wing, but for her to so daringly declare it so? Riezol blinked a few times, before laughing out loud, surprising Lilianne.

“Ha ha ha ha! You have certainly gone and said it! Ha ha ha ha! Ah~ I apologise for my behaviour, but I certainly do find this entire scenario rather intriguing. Ah yes, I see now. So that is what it is.”

Riezol seemed to understand something that Lilianne did not. What was it that he now understood? Riezol smiled and crossed his arms.

“It would seem that you are putting yourself in a rather precarious position, White Wing, and I do not envy you for it… Very well, I will arrange for the two Red, and the accompanying White, to meet with an Order of Knights that I happen to know. It just so happens that this Order of Knights was tasked with this undertaking before, and thus will know it very well.”

“Then why did you not task them to do it once more?”

Shivylie angrily asked back, to which Riezol merely smiled.

“Because they are not as free as two young Reds wishing to train.”



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