SSS2 Katsuragi Rei / The Unblessed Saviour

And so I finally drew out Katsuragi Rei’s design. I have to admit, his design came to me pretty quick. However re-drawing him to scale was very difficult. I must admit that if I do not use my light-box, I won’t be able to draw an exact copy.

Anyway, Katsuragi Rei is also called the  ‘Unblessed Saviour’, mainly because no one really trusts him at first due to his true nature of being an NPC. But the name also shows that as an artificial ‘Angel’, he is considered ‘unblessed’ in a religious sense, since in most religions, something artificial that is made from man cannot contain a soul and is not blessed by any God. Or something along those lines.

So here is Katsuragi Rei!

I have no idea what to draw next for this series. Maybe I’ll draw the different Guardians or draw the designs for the basic troops in the story. That might help.

SSS2 Division Leaders

So here is an update on the newest Division Leaders for the SSS2 of my Angel Beats! Story.

Well, only two are actual Division Leaders. Takako and an extra was put in.

For the Fire Emblem character… since I like it so much I think I’ll put this character in Angel Beats! and few more other stories. Just not sure what stories to put her in….

SSS2 Division Leaders (Part 1)

And so I decided to draw some of the Division leaders for my Angel Beats Story. This is only part 1 (hopefully) and will add more (really hopefully).

This time I’ve drawn Kinoji Awase (to my liking, sorry!) and Himura Yuuko.

Personally, I think Kinoji needs some… life? Not too sure. And Yuuko looks weird no matter how times I draw her. Besides the legs… Her face is always… weird.

New drawings

A bunch of new drawings.

First two are drawings I took from the art book of the game “Million Arthur”. One winged Angels that I slightly modified to suit my tastes. I think I can incorporate them into my story somehow. The last one is Kurogane Kou in her ‘True Wrath’ Form. Those are flying swords in the form of wings.

Kou Redrawn

Well, it isn’t much this time but I’ve pretty much managed to redraw Kurogane Kou’s picture. Overly sexified? Is that even a word? The spell-check is saying no.

Some other random drawings, blah blah blah. Whatever. Not that important. Well, not as important as I would like them to be.

The redrawing of Hiro in better armour, more Dragon type. I modeled Kou to fit into that drawing. Kou’s ‘Warrior’ Form. She still has one more type of armour. Can’t figure out how to draw that one right though.

Drawings! Part 4

16) This one I drew as a farewell present for my upper-study. He liked crossbows so I thought, what the heck. Her fingers are like twigs.

17)  POKEMON! A Pokemon craze was going on in my office. Not too sure why, but what the heck. Original female lead meant to be the heroine of a Pokemon story that I didn’t bother writing pass the first chapter. The pokemon behind were all traced from pictures I took on my blackberry. I’m going to go blind from squinting at that tiny screen so much.

18)  Magic card! Traced from a Japanese drawing book, I edited quite a bit, added magic cards and magic circles.

19) Cool swordsman! Taken from the same drawing book. Originally a male, I changed the picture a bit. He looked like a girl anyway.

20) And this… IS TAENO YUKI! For my Angel Beats! Story, I wanted to show her fearless leader type character. A ‘Queen’ type of character who has gone through a lot hardships. I meant to draw a whole bunch of knights behind her. Oh well, that can wait.

Drawings! Part 3

And onto the next set!

11) And now onto anime! This is the new character from Nanoha Force. Think her name was Lilly…. think only. Changed her left glove to mirror her right somewhat. Edited her body armour, added collar! For whatever purpose? I don’t know.

12) Second picture of Lily! Her legs are waaay too small for her body. And her head is GINORMOUS! All attempts to edit have… somewhat succeeded.

13) This is an original character. Tried drawing a dragoon, or a lancer. Ended up tracing my previous drawing (Gina) and giving her a complete make-over. The braided hair looks like someone wanted to strangle her hair. She has a lot of accessories. Too much, I think. Her shoulder guards are ridiculous! Can I get a time machine and go back to punch my past self in the face?

14) Wanted to draw a badass gunner. Looks like shit. My upper-study affectionately calls her the  ‘lizard-girl’ because her tail-coat looks like a lizard or something. Her right hand is shit. Those guns were a little over the top.

15)  So far a lot of people have commented that this is quite good. Not too sure. She’s suppose to be swinging a giant spiked ball. That was suppose to go at the end of that line. But I took it out. Had one edited copy that made the line into a chain sword. She looks like she’s going super-saiyan.

Drawings! Part 2

And onto the next set of drawings!

6) Also taken from a game from IF (idea factory), is this character. Gina, I think. Can’t remember. She came from the Generation of Chaos series. Quite a bit of editing but she retained most of her prominent features.

7) This was an attempt at an original character. Very shitty, I know. I got my upper-study to pose his hand for me just to sketch those hands. In the end they were still a disaster. I’m so sorry!

8) Yay! Original character! I took a few drawings from Warcraft, particularly their elven rangers. She is a ranger and you will see soon.

9) Told you she was a ranger. This one had quite a lot of revisions over the first sketch. Despite me tracing over the first picture, her facial and body proportions were different. Not too sure why. I changed her chest, changed her legs, changed the bloody quiver ten times over! Surprisingly, her hands were very easy to draw. They were actually more like accidental successes. Don’t ask how.
10) Yay! Hiro again! This time the original picture from done by another artist. This one I heavily edited to my liking. She is still Hiro, but more to my preferences. Also, for my Angel Beats! story, Kurogane Kou looks somewhat like her. Maybe hair is different. Don’t know. This is my favourite picture, even if it isn’t my personal best work to date.